Tuesday, August 24, 2010
What's Done Is Done

I surrender.
Throw in the towel.
Wave the white flag.
I have done what I can and leave only 3 (of 32) entries unfinished.
AND, I have a running start on two for next year!
What you see left is Mr. and Mrs. Claus, other, made of stuff I pulled from the scrap bag, some batting, and a couple of buttons from the button stash.

Christmas stocking of my own devising from pristine, brand new skeins of Red Heart Classic straight from the Tru-Value (yes, the hardware store).
Traditional patterning, basic sock pattern (36 stitches).

Mr. and Mrs. Snowman-other. Both these and the Clauses are from a Jean Greenhowe book. I've used the patterns before with varying modifications.
And now, I am putting my needles aside for a day (maybe) and warping my loom for nothing but a learning experience. No deadline, no pattern in mind, just zenning out on weaving.
Fair results (and a visit from the Tiny Prince who wants to see squirrels (they don't have those where he lives) and sheep in about 10 days. Can't wait!
Labels: fair entries
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Closing In

I used a pre-owned bolster as filler (and will replace it with a new one as soon as the fair is over). No time to shop. Just keep knitting, just keep knitting.
Pattern is of my own devising: cable section knit flat, then stitches picked up on either end to cover the round parts. seamed into a tube, stuffed, then twisted cord run through the eyelets I added to the edge.

And here's Mr. or Mrs. Claus-other, to match the snowman washcloth.
I had my doubts as I was knitting. It just didn't seem to be happening in the same way that the snowguy did. But, yep, there's the Big Fellow.
Yarn (for both) is Sugar 'n Cream. Pattern (ditto) can be found here though you may have to noodle around a bit to find the snowman. Check out her other dishcloth patterns (and consider buying a download). They are quite clever.
And now, I will lay my head down briefly so that I can get up in the morning ready to do battle with the 5 still unfinished (though mostly started) remaining entries.
Labels: fair entries
Friday, August 20, 2010
Fiddly? You Betcha

Beads. Note to self: The large 30 g package of size 6 "Premium Beads" (made in Japan) and 85 g of glass bugle beads--definitely enough.

The beads do set if off though. And since it refuses to hold the square shape without a pillow to be stitched to (this is supposed to be the topper of a ringbearer's pillow, after all), I just let it run wild. So it's round.
Definitely worth the temporarily blurred vision. Where the heck did I put the eyedrops?

I've used this pattern for Santa ornament before, though this time, I modified it a bit. Yarn is sport weight ack and some black stuff and some fuzzy stuff, all from the scrap bag.
Lightly stuffed, he'll join the cotton one I made a few years ago on our tree.
Pattern is from Schachenmayr booklet that I think came from Elann.com. It's called Inspirations.

And when in need of a toy animal in a hurry, I like this seal pattern. Same fuzzy white yarn (and black stuff) as I've been fishing out of the scrap bag for the last several projects. Quick to make, soft and cuddly. Just the right size for a baby.
And look at that sweet face.
Hayfield Novelties pattern.
Though it looks like not a lot was accomplished, I do have a basket filled with assorted body parts waiting to be stitched and stuffed for:
Mr. & Mrs. Claus-other
Mr. and Mrs. Snow-other
My Christmas stocking is clearly many hours from completion as is the laprobe-knit, though I am still hopeful. Pillow cover is planned and in double strands of worsted weight, it's doable. The only question is: 16" square, or bolster?
I have identified and cast on a couple of stitches for Mr. or Mrs. Claus-other (in the same spirit as the snow guy.
I have given up on the shawl. That will be my jump start on next year.
I need to warp my loom for a runner or pair of placemats. We shall see.
Stay tuned.
Labels: fair entries
Thursday, August 19, 2010
And Another One Bites the Dust

I worked continuously on this sweater today. When he saw it back around July 4 weekend (and the yoke wasn't even finished), the Tiny Prince pronounced it "MINE!" and so, when I discovered that I didn't have enough yarn to finish it, I went stalking the dreaded Discontinued Yarn Ball. Cannot disappoint the Tiny Prince.
I was fortunate and emails to the two sources Google found yielded 4 more balls (I had 5 to start with, having anticipated using them long before the Tiny Prince got So Big!)

Kirtland's Yarn Barn saved the day! I was even more fortunate that the dye lots were soooo close! I couldn't see the difference in daylight, but I alternated rows anyway.
I still have 3 pristine balls and might just
Here's a close-up of the cable.
Pattern from Top Down For Toddlers by Cabin Fever. Yarn is Dale of Norway Free Style in Goldenrod. Color on the top picture is true. (Yes, that yellow!)

Here's a hat-adult in some very vintage Brunswick Germantown that I encountered at Goodwill two years ago. (Yes, I am still knitting that acquisition!)
Pattern called for a pom pon, but since I already shot that wad on the cap-child, I left it off (I do not enjoy all the snip, snip, snipping!)
Pattern? If anyone really, really wants it and swears that s/he will make one, I will find it. Otherwise, it's just a nice hat! Versteh?

And last up and in serious need of blocking is a cap and sweater set in mint Dale Baby Ull. Pattern was on the 'net. Pattern here.
I modified the pattern slightly (translation: I screwed up) on the sweater, so I had to similarly modify the cap. All's well that ends well.
Or will be once I hit this puppy with some serious steam!
Tomorrow, I get cracking on all the fiddly little Christmassy Santa-y things.
Whew! Since I lowered my expectations and eliminated at least one large project (fan and feather stole on size 7s), I might actually get finished.
Labels: fair entries
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
More Countdown

As promised, the rest of the set.
The sweater is knit sideways in 3x3 ribbing. Blocking is a bear because of the "bounce back" of the ack in the Decor. ::big sigh::
It looked a lot better damp!
Hat is what you'd expect except for the little topknot.

Adult mittens. I will burn this pattern if I can find it. The thumbs are totally sucky! And the pattern doesn't compensate for the way cabling pulls in.
All in all, very unsatisfying. Destined for the reservation with my sincere apologies!
The good news is, despite all the flaws, they fit my hands, so they'll likely fit another adult.
Wool. Brown Sheep. Same Grab Bag. Sure got my money's worth!

Another doily. TiaJudy's pattern from the 'net.
Yarn? Another Grab Bag find, though unlabeled. It was nice to knit and blocked out well. I have no earthly idea of the fiber content.
I'm thinking that I might make a bunch of these stars in sparkly crochet cotton for the Christmas tree.

Scrappy scarf. I think I might have shown this one while I was knitting it.
Pattern for free on the Elann.com website. It calls for 10 yards each of lots of different yarns (their sample skeins or your odd balls) in miles and freaking miles of mind-numbing seed stitch.
You are looking at about 2 years' worth of samples.

Child's hat and "gloves" (mittens) in SWS from Smiley's. Pattern inna book somewhere. Please don't make me go look for it. There's nothing special about the pattern. It's all about the yarn, baby!
Labels: fair entries
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Countdown Some More

Plain Jane socks-adult- in vintage wool yarn. These are destined for Afghans For Afghans in their next sock shipment.
They won't make the current batch as the deadline is the end of this month and I won't have them back in time.
There will always be cold feet, though, so I will save them and ship when the next call goes out.

A "babe" from Knitted Babes.
Lot of fiddly crap in this one. I doubt I will ever make another for any reason.
Yarns are all odds and ends an bits of dk or sport weight ack. Stuff from the bag that the Tiny Prince has wound and wound and rewound more than a few times.

Child's hat. Yet another from a One Skein Wonders book.
This one is in Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Worsted.
All of the Brown Sheep yarn featured in this Countdown came in Grab Bags from the Yarn Girls.

Okay, a take-off on the Baltic Booties that are available kitted at Peace Fleece. I have had a copy of the photo in my "to do" folder for a really long time.
These are fashioned from bits and bobs of dk weight washable wool. They are planned for the Tiny Prince's Hypothetical Future Sibling (coming to a blog near you in October).
Trading on experience, I made the feet long.

Last up in this batch is 1/3 of the blanket-cap-sweater 3-piece set. Yarn is Patons Decor. Pattern from an old issue of Family Circle Easy Knitting. I'll post he cap and sweater next.
Labels: fair entries
Monday, August 16, 2010
Countdown to the Fair

I am taking my traditional mid-August week off to prep for the Great Allentown Fair.
Lots of entries. I am photographing as they are washed and blocked and stowed in the handy dandy Rubbermaid transport tote.
Eyes left: Knitting Pure and Simple pattern, Bernat Soy yarn. This one is for me. I avoided blocking until this week so that I wouldn't be tempted to wear it.

Next up, a real stretch. The entry category is "Mr. or Mrs. Snowman-other" It's a dishcloth. Held at an angle.
We shall see how creaive the judges are feeling.

Another stretch. Category: Tote Bag-other (as opposed to "canvas"). Felted wool (Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Chunky). Sorta FSU colors. It will be a gift for the dear Daughter In Law.
Pattern is from one of the One-Skein Wonders books.
Took more than 1 skein, but then, I made it bigger than the pattern suggested. (They are just suggestions aren't they?)

Felted pot holder Can't remember where I found the pattern.
Yarn is Gjestal Naturgarn that I have had for years. (I have bags and bags of this stuff intending to make many Lopi sweaters. . . Mostly, it's becoming mittens and potholders and such.)

Last up in this batch, still drying: Doily 12"-24"-knit.
Another pattern from the One Skein Wonders, though this one is a "Ring Bearer's Pillow" (we are not in need of such things).
It is supposed to have beads strung between the picots. The jury's still out on that one though I do have the beads and thread and beading needle.
I've been posting some of my entries as I finished them. There will be more.
But now, back to the knitting!
Labels: fair entries
Friday, August 13, 2010
Mittn Time

Kathy F finished her 10 pairz, and she tells me that there are more to come!
Aren't they pretty? Aren't you inspired?
Get in the running for some fabulous Socks That Rock yarn, or any of ten great prizes. Make your Mittnz; take a picture. Send your photo to abmcmanusATverizonDAWTnet. Then be sure to mail your Mittnz the last week in September to:
Cheyenne River Youth Project
P.O. Box 410
Eagle Butte, SD 57625
so that they arrive before winter does.
Labels: mittnz
Friday, August 06, 2010
Mittnz Galore
Ann H sent me this photo of her completed Mittnz. Aren'tthey great?
Don't they make you want to cast on?
Do it!
Ann will be in the drawing for one of 10 great prizes. You could be too!
Labels: mittnz
Sunday, August 01, 2010
What a Lot of Love Can Do

Labels: dogs