Wednesday, August 18, 2010
More Countdown

As promised, the rest of the set.
The sweater is knit sideways in 3x3 ribbing. Blocking is a bear because of the "bounce back" of the ack in the Decor. ::big sigh::
It looked a lot better damp!
Hat is what you'd expect except for the little topknot.

Adult mittens. I will burn this pattern if I can find it. The thumbs are totally sucky! And the pattern doesn't compensate for the way cabling pulls in.
All in all, very unsatisfying. Destined for the reservation with my sincere apologies!
The good news is, despite all the flaws, they fit my hands, so they'll likely fit another adult.
Wool. Brown Sheep. Same Grab Bag. Sure got my money's worth!

Another doily. TiaJudy's pattern from the 'net.
Yarn? Another Grab Bag find, though unlabeled. It was nice to knit and blocked out well. I have no earthly idea of the fiber content.
I'm thinking that I might make a bunch of these stars in sparkly crochet cotton for the Christmas tree.

Scrappy scarf. I think I might have shown this one while I was knitting it.
Pattern for free on the website. It calls for 10 yards each of lots of different yarns (their sample skeins or your odd balls) in miles and freaking miles of mind-numbing seed stitch.
You are looking at about 2 years' worth of samples.

Child's hat and "gloves" (mittens) in SWS from Smiley's. Pattern inna book somewhere. Please don't make me go look for it. There's nothing special about the pattern. It's all about the yarn, baby!
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Thank you for posting these. I love looking at your fair entries. Comments were also fun to read :-)
Lotsa luck at the fair!
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Lotsa luck at the fair!
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