Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Fat Cat Sat on Flat Mat

These are for Peaceable Kingdom from whence cometh the most recent fosterdog.

Better look quick, because he goes to an adoption fair on Saturday. All clean and pretty and smelling less beagle-y. Beetle's hoping to find a Forever Family.

Particulars: two strands of worsted weight ack scraps and odd balls. Size 10.5 needles.

Directions: Cast on some stitches. Knit some rows. Bind off. Pick up on an edge (same colors or different ones). Knit some more rows. Bind off, repeat on all the edges. Do it again until it's as big as you need. (12' square is the minimum for cage cozies like these. Most rescue orgs can use that size on up to baby blanket (40") size. Make a call and check.

Donate to your local animal rescue.

That is all.

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