Sunday, April 13, 2008

Some More Mittnz

Lizzie has completed her 8 pairs!

And just to show that there are all sorts of handwarmers needed and wanted, she sent me this photo of mitts and muffatees. (There's a recipe for them on her blog!)

Jean is the absolute first member of the Overachievers R Us Club for 2008.

Lookie at all those wonderful Mittnz and thumbless baby mitts. Yes, they count! You know that they do.

Someone pointed out that babies are swaddled up real good and warm in the winter, which is true. But toddlers, not so much. And it is so much easier to get a squirmy toddler's hand in a mitt than a Mittn with a thumb!

Jean's friend, Gail, is knitting for the reservation, too!

Here's proof.

I love that this pair is sort of Fraternal. And warm!

I especially love that this pair is warm.

Are you inspired yet? Grab the button and promo the Challenge on your blog and other places, then grab your string and sticks and make a pair or eight.

Think how good you will feel when the North wind howls just remembering that eight kids have warm hands, all because of you!


Wow, that's a lotta mittnz! I'm trying for a good balance between large child and medium adult mittens, but oh, those infant/toddler thumbless mittnz are so tempting. (No thumbs! Such precious wee sizing!)
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