Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Mittn Knittn

Inspired by the knitters who have already provided photos (so I don't have to take bunches myself), I have cast on my 7th (that's 3.5 pairs, dudes) mittn.
The pattern is from BH&G Knitting Year Round (ISBN 069621655-8) that I picked up for 5 bucks a couple years ago (I think on the clearance rack at Michael's, but it could have been A.C. Moore, though I'm pretty sure it was Michael's). There are several sweaters and other projects that I may tackle eventually. I showed the cover and a couple of the projects in the July 23, 2005 entry, if you really want to see.
I'm using Gjestal Naturgarn in red and Lopi in navy, on size 4 and 6 needles. Painful! But dense.

Marie sent me this picture of 7.5 pairs. That gets her in the draw whether she finishes that green pair (still on the needles) or not.
Don't you love the stripey ones?
Labels: fair entry, mittnz