Saturday, January 25, 2014

Random Acts of Crafting

 This morning, as we do nearly every Saturday, the Other Half and I will head south to the Allentown Farmers Market where we do 90% of our grocery shopping (buying mostly just things like cat food and TP at the regular grocery store these days).

My plan is to bestow these two hats at two of the vendors we frequent. Pink is Woodland Sprite for the very pregnant young woman at our favorite butcher. Brown is for the meat cutter at the deli.

And in other Acts of Randomness, this arrived a bit ago from my friend in Canada. Seems she saw that I liked this little guy on Facebook and ordered him for me.

He's a refrigerator magnet that has many changes of clothing.

Here he is, dressed as the Other Half in leather jacket.

And here he is as the Other Half in days gone by. Peace, out. Rock on. And all that hippy dippy stuff.

Random Act of Violence?

We woke up the other day to major overnight damage to our bird feeders.

Trying to figure out what seed-eater is strong enough/heavy enough to bend the shepherd's crooks (there are two) and bend the (really, actually, virtually) squirrel-proof feeder all to hell like this.

Certainly not these gentle souls!

Did I mention that we live In Town? Yes, near wooded areas, but there is a several-block buffer between us and the woods and at least a half mile (as the crow flies) between us and the river.

I don't even want to consider the possibilities (like bears??). This is the second time in the last couple of years that our feeders have been attacked in the night.

Already replaced the crooks. Picking up a replacement feeder this morning.

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