Friday, February 05, 2010


This one's for Janice!

Twice a day, every workday, I pass this house. A few years ago, I noticed that the occupants had a somewhat unusual pet, a pot-bellied pig. Since they live outside the borough, I am assuming the township allows "livestock" (it's a fairly rural, though suburbanizing rapidly, area). The house has no near neighbors unless you count the car repair places next door and across the road.

But I digress.

Until very recently, Piggy was viewable only on the nicest of sunny days. He (I assume "male" because of the maleness of his toys--balls, big trucks, no dolls or carriages) could be seen lying in the sun, standing in the sun, sitting in the sun. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I ever saw him actually move.

Recently, though, I noticed an addition to the yard. Something along the lines of this. which leads me to believe that the occupants have come to realize that pigs may not make the best house pets.

On very cold days, the pile of blankets and rugs on top of Pigloo gets deeper. Piggy has not been seen.

Which leads me to the point of this post (see, there's a point!). My own personal Pigloo. Cozy, warm, but not hot. Just big enough and keeps me happy in the winter (and at nap time).

Do you see the resemblance?


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