Monday, December 24, 2007

'Twas the Night Before

In spite of myself, I managed to drag out the Yule Tree and put it in place.

It wasn't a real big drag, I uncovered it (removed the giant red plastic garbage bag) and hauled it up the stairs. Yes, it's artificial. We have allergies. As in, I break out in big red welts from "real" evergreens (which has gotten me out of much hedge clipping over the years and gotten us to remove all of the shrubs from the landscape here).

We bought our last "real" tree in 1978. After Christmas that year, we found a decent looking Mr. Christmas (about 7' tall) for cheaps and stored it away. We moved that tree 3 times. It survived a flood when a water pipe burst in the basement wall in the house in West Virginia (the replacement pipe was probably the only one "in code" in that whole house! That tree served us well for over 20 years. Then we passed it along.

But that was then, and this is now.

The current tree is small. About 40" high. It fits nicely on a table in front of the bay wndow.

I learned after the first year that the lights can stay on all year 'round, so setting it up was a piece of cake.

This year, we had to make a choice, though. Tasteful? Or traditional?

Tasteful would be the glass, wood and feather birds I have collected. Some are quite beautiful, others, not so much, but when you see them all together, it's a pretty display.

We didn't have to toss a coin to decide that all the wonderful ornaments that we have collected over the years (many years ago) deserved to see the light of day again this year. All it took was unwrapping a couple of them.

And so we hauled them out.

There is bunny with his coloring book.

And many older ormaments, handcrafted and sent to us from Germany by the BIL while he was stationed there.

And some we bought as part of a theme (the polka-dotted mouse, for example, was on a wreath with other red and white dotted animals and clusters of little red and white mushrooms).

We could probably do an entire angel themed tree without buying another ornament if we were so inclined. (Among the angels are some that date back to my own childhood).

This angel was a gift from a neighbor in our first neighborhood.

It's a technique called "wheat weaving" that is very traditional. Earliest wheat weavings were called "corn dollies" (corn being the term used for any grain) and were sacrificial pieces (burned or buried to insure a good harvest).

Today's corn dollies are likely to be angels, hearts, or symbols.

Yet another pagan custom co-opted by others to fit their needs.

But then, aren't most of the Christmas traditions steeped in much older traditions than Christianity?

Heck, not just Christmas, but Halloween, and even Easter! Bunnies and eggs my left foot!

The reknit Solstice Christmas New Year's sweater is coming along just fine, thank you.

Last night, I joined the arms to the body. There are a bazillion thirty-three stitches on that needle. Let the decreasing commence!

And now, I will start dinner. Afterwards, there will be knitting and TiVo watching.

I will think of all of you attempting to assemble Barbie's Dream House and the 3 bicycles tonight. Here's a hint: next year pay the store to do it, or leave it unassembled and let the kids figure it out.

Merry, Happy, Joyous, no matter what you celebrate.


And a happy everything to you, too.

We bought nothing that needs to be assembled. I have a new hat (thank you!) and there is liquor and 18 lbs of turkey in the house.

All is well.
That's a lovely Tree you have there, I enjoyed seeing the unique little ornaments.
Yep... re:holidays... they had to try and 'replace' the pagan with Christian and in 'seducing' them over to 'their' side... they had to leave quite a bit of the symbology there...
We know better :^)

Make good times :^)
Merry Christmas hun! Hope y'all have a great day. :)
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