Friday, November 23, 2007

In Which


I liked this color in the store! (Truthfully, I found this color "acceptable" in the store. Or suitable. Yeh. That's the ticket. Not revolting and an able companion to the other two shades of blue. Nothing more. I used a few yards from the skein and committed the rest to the next Ship Support beanie.

But let me just say that I'm not feeling the love.

I was almost to the decreasing part and thinking, "this isn't so bad," when I looked again and realized, "um, yes it is!" and so, Dear Reader, I ripped back several inches and now I am adding some stripes, because plain, it really is soooo bad.

And I have hit a wall. There are things to knit. Knittig to be done. And I Can't Get Myself Motivated.

So there!

Today, the Other Half and I will not venture into stores (except for groceries), We need to hit the farmers market, the warehouse club place (BJ's) and the local grocery chain to be Mystery Shoppers (remember to ask me to Check Out Hunger? Win a prize.)

But first, we are off to have blood drawn. Fasting. And maybe fainting, too. And then breakfast out.

I can hardly wait!


Ann, give a little precious time to yourself, whatever you like to do, reading and a movie. No must do things, for a couple of days. You have had a quite a week. You will bounce right back and enjoy the usual"grind"anew.
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