Saturday, July 14, 2007

All Excitement, All the Time!

Eating Local, Part 2: I hit the grocery store after work yesterday.

This morning I stripped the bed and put on clean sheets. Then the Other Half and I went to the farmer's market for veggies and gorgonzola (and I corrupted the kid at the cheese stand by turning him on to dad will thank me for that forever). (Cabbage, zucchini, tomatoes, new potatoes and green beans, if anyone cares, plus strawberries.)

We had lunch (hummus on pita and a diet Pepsi) at Foods of the Mediterranean. My stomach will thank me for the next day or so. Mmmm, garlic.

I'm thinking that a nap would be really nice.

It's all excitement all the time at Casa Sheepie. Be still my heart!

Oh, and I got my hair cut this morning by a nice grandmother (I would not have guessed if she hadn't told me), newly arrived from NYC. Best darned cut I've ever gotten at Sign In and Wait! I suspect that she charged a lot more than $16 in a previous life.

This came in the mail:

You know the rush you get when you see the "Final Notice" card with your magazine? You know how you react! "Ohmymercifullord, I'll miss an issue!"
I think it's human nature to be this close to pulling off the reply and slipping it into the mailbox. I know that's where I was! Then I looked inside.

I know that I have commented in the past about how Knit Simple has fallen from (my) favor. Its predecessor, Family Circle Easy Knitting (plus crochet) was groundbreaking (in my opinion) in that it included a "knitting lesson" of sorts in each issue.

Each lesson built on previous ones and took the new (and not so new--that would be me) knitter step-by-step through previously uncharted (ouch) waters. (I say "ouch" because one of those lessons was Chart Reading and Knitting.)

The current incarnation has little new to offer. This issue delves into the wonders of hand-painted yarns (discussed in depth (to death?) in all the other knitting mags over the past 2 or three years since the emergence of hand-painted commercial yarns and the growing popularity of dye-it-yourself).

The difference here is in the color-boldness of the yarn choices. There's nothing retiring (or subtle) about the ones they chose to showcase. That's just unfortunate!

Only redeeming patterns in the issue are the incredibly sweet baby garments -- this onesie-mimic (left) and the baby shrug (right) plus a wrap (surplice) cardigan and a 3-piece set that features horizontal ribbing.

And the ads are good. Not enough to get me to renew, though.

I'll check it at the news stand and buy when it meets my needs.

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i think i'm going to let mine lapse as well. sigh.

i got cabbage, new potatoes (we had corned beef & cabbage dinner tonight!), and popcorn at my farmer's market today. i would have shopped more, but my head was pounding (blasted migraine had me down for most of the day!)

ahhhhh hummus. i have some tasty stuff in the fridge, but the pitas i bought and IMMEDIATELY refrigerated last week were moldy. i think i'm going to stick to tortillas from now on, sigh.
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