Saturday, September 16, 2006
Selfish September Day 16

Some progress photos.
Ragg, top, tan, is at 10" (I need about 16) and into the 3rd ball (of 20 available). I see some charity knitting in the future of the leftovers, but I might double-strand it for speed and warmth. This sweater was planned to be lightweight.
For the record, that's the second sleeve on my tunic. The ribbing is done, as is the set-up row for the pattern. I hope to make some headway this weekend, but (are you ready?) the sun is out!
There might be a little gardening in my plans! I'd love to get the back bed (former pine trees) plotted out and the bulbs back in the ground. And maybe some mums. Or something.

There are a couple of WIPs in my WIP baskets.
Top to bottom: (black) Slippers for Ship Support
(red) Sparky's blanket/cat mat (her old one is beyond rescue). This one will be the Frenzy that she loves--about 24" square.
(multi) Mittens (pair #7) for the Mitten Challenge--2 weeks left! Details in the archives (See June 11). Make and mail 6 pairs so that I have them by October 1. They'll warm the hands of children in South Dakota. Can't manage 6? Do the best you can. Each pair is one more kid without cold hands!

Aren't these cute? They're felted! And crocheted. (Bah, humbug) I can; I just choose not to.
But somewhere, in one of those old books I bought at a sale, I just know I saw a pattern for something similar, but knit. Hmmm, book digging time!
It's not like I don't have the wool.
I wonder how they made the legs. Wired I-cord, maybe? Or just the magic of Photo Shop? (Note to self: read the description. The legs are "chenille stems," the eyes are glass beads, and the beaks are felt.)
Pattern is $3.95/ kit is $29.95 to make 6 birds, From Lion Brand. (Pattern is also FREE at the web site!)

Here's where I found that picture. In the mailbox at Casa Sheepie.
They are in there, along with many other felted items and even more ideas for mats, bags, tea cozies and other good stuff.
What is it about yarn catalogs? Even the fanciest ones don't get my heart jumping like an on-line store.
Is it me? Am I just strange?
My preferred shopping (for yarn, clothes, houseares) these days is: on-line, followed by in-person (wtf?). Catalogs leave me cold.
I will probably save this one (I do that with some catalogs, until the next one arrives) for ideas.