Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Gag Reflex

Not for the weak of stomach!

If you read on you will quickly understand why there are no pictures.

I am a supervisor of the sort who would never ask anyone to do anything I would not do myself. So, today, I "volunteered" to prepare a refrigerator and freezer that was brought to our warehouse (removed from a closed pantry) for storage (or for reallocating to another member).

I had heard Not Good things about the condition of these appliances, so I was prepared for the worst with a bucket of strong Mr. Clean solution. Imagine my delight when I opened the freezer to discover that a light once-over was all it needed!

Imagine my disgust when I opened the 'fridge to find 1) hard, crusty gray stuff(?), 2) red, fruit smelling stuff (solidified), 3) blue stuff, and 4) some sort of 3-colored lumpy mold.

Two hours later. . .

I was ready to wash the glass shelves, so I moved them to the nearly brand new "mop sink" (low to the floor fixture intended for filling and dumping mop buckets, though we generally dump the bucket out the door to avoid having the trap fill with "stuff"--don't go there!--it's a very expensive proposition!) expecting that (since it's mere months old) that it would be reasonably clean (dream on!). It wasn't :sigh:

So first, I cleaned out bunches of wood chunks (pallets) broken glass (wtf?), and paper clips that had left rusty stains, and washed the surface, then put the glass shelves from the 'fridge in and washed them.

Okey dokey. All done.

While the shelves were air drying, I decided to sweep the little "janitor closet" and neaten up the stuff stored there. I moved the "scrubber" (a honkin' big machine used to clean our cement floors) and caught a whiff of Something Nasty. Very nasty. Like I imagine the inside of a "honey dipper" tank smells. After sitting in the sun. Times ten!

Whoever the hell used it last had put the scrubber (also almot brand new) away without draining the scummy crap out of the tank. Do I need to mention that the temperature has been hovering near 100 for weeks? This crap (and I don't use the word lightly) has been "cooking" for over a month, at the very least.

Gag! Gag!

I just found something that I would ask someone else to do that I would not do myself!

(But I did go get the jug of Clorox. And the toilet brush.)

Pictures (of knitting) tomorrow.

OK, I can top that, but only just. And, for the sake of our friendship (and my lunch) I won't.

Let's just say there were bugs involved.
ew. I can't think of anything else to say.
OMG, Ann, you're a saint! Ick, ick, ick.
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