Wednesday, May 10, 2006
The Frenzy Continues
I switched from the double points to my 16" circulars and was able to go about 3 rounds before I ran out of room.
Note to self: 4-8" doublepoints laid end to end=32". A 16" circ laid, well, straight=16".
Dumb, dumb, DUMB!!
So I switched again, this time to a 29" circular. That allowed me to make some additional progress.
As I planned, I knit along throwing in bits of patterning until I ran out of ball 1. Since I want this blankie to be only a bit random, I broke into another ball of Panic Pink to complete the last 20 or so stitches of the round.
Then I switched to blue Berserk.
For those who would like to recreate what I am doing, the patterning so far looks like (approximation):
Rounds 1-6: knit
Round 7: k 1, *yo, k 2 together**
Round 8 and all even numbered rounds: continue the increases and k all stitches
Round 9: k
Round 11: do the yo thing
Rownds 13 and 15: purl
Round 17 and 21: knit
Round 19 and 23: yarn over thing
The Reunion Mitones are done (except for blocking.
And the Premium Booklet for the fair arrived in yesterday's mail.
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