Friday, April 14, 2006

The Envelope, Please

While we were away, the mail piled up. Last night I went through it, shredding credit card offers, tossing bills into the "to be paid" pile, perusing the magazines and catalogs (and tossing the one fron The Overpriced Supplies Store--the one that screwed over a bunch of us with its close-out wooly board scheme).

What's this? Thick, fat, creamy white hand-addressed envelope looking for all the world like an invitation to a society wedding (except for the metered postage).

Generally, I throw these things away, but the Other Half was curious.

So he opened it.

And asked: Who the F is XXXX and YYY?

Well, dudes, this was not a personal invitation to a wedding or a fancy do. Oh, no. It was a cattle call invite to the "scholarship dinner" for the local branch of the State Uni.

Now you may wonder (as OH did) about how we got on such a prestigious list. I mean, we are alumni and all, but, dudes, so is the Basement Dweller (aka Younger Son) and he didn't get invited!

So, what's the deal?

It would seem that we are on all sorts of lists these days because of a fluke.

Said campus of the State-related Multiversity (are my 60s roots showing yet?) hosts the Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival. We have subscribed (in the past) to the Summer of Entertainment.

It's a not-for-profit venture with (sometimes) real big stars (like Patrick Stewart as Julius Caesar) and can be lots of fun. (The winter offerings have been known to be dreadful, so let's not go there.)

Tickets are relatively cheap (for big-name actors, yadda, yadda) and so, I "rounded up" the subscription price, three years ago, as a donation (deductible).

Someone goofed!

My $12 "round up" got me listed in the "high rollers" section of the program. Yeh, right up there with AA and BB and one level below XXXX and YYY. :coff: As if!

I don't know if you can read the giving levels (suggested) that came with the invite over there on the left, but they start at $15,000.



Um hmm.

For that, I can have my corporate banner displayed.

I believe we'll be sending our regrets.

Last night, I put Diamonds aside briefly and gave the old Center-Out its chance. I'm approaching 30" square and have started the garter stitch rounds (it'll take about 10 ridges to stop the dreaded edge roll) in navy-ish then yellow.

I think it'll finish up at about 3' square, a nice wrap size for a baby or laprobe size for someone sitting still.

I don't think that there's so much pink that it looks "girl." More like "neuter."

I'd like to get this puppy finished so that I can box it up and mail it before the end of the month. That other scrapghan (the yellow one) is waiting to be mailed, too.

By the time I finish, there will be close to a mile and a half (2600 yards) of ack used up. Sadly, none of it (not one stinkin' inch) is on my spreadsheet!

But it will be gone. From my house. From my life. And warming someone who needs to be warm.
Even if you decline the invite, I think your corporate logo needs to be sent in.

Patrick Stewart as Julius Caesar. I would love to have seen that.
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