Monday, December 06, 2004

Revolt in the Big House

Miss Penny is a pig! You'd never know it to see her, but she has this thing about grooming. Not herself, mind you, but things. She recently latched onto pillow cases as something she likes to groom, but only those on the other half's side of the bed.

There are few things more revolting than discovering a very wet spot on your pillow at bedtime. Unless, of course it's finding a spot that was wet earlier. Cat spit dries stiff. Like starch. Ewww, gross!

Who would believe that such a cute cat could be pure evil? The other half has taken to putting his pillow under the comforter when he doesn't actually have his head on it. She has been known to burrow under the sham and the comforter and to make a little nest where she can sleep and groom.

It isn't like she doesn't have a place to sleep.

She claimed this "hot damn" afghan when i was knitting it a couple of years ago. When I realized that she wasn't planning to give it up, I bound it off and gave it to her. It's on the foot of the bed where she sometines sleeps. . .when the pillows are occupied.

I am off today and the rest of the week, using my vacation time so I don't lose it. I spent the better part of the day today knitting and cleaning. Part of the reason for the cleanup, I give you "Mount Trashmore" (also known as the space next to my side of the bed):

It's been a lot worse and now it's a whole lot better.

Photos of the knitting will be saved for another day. I will not post pictures of the clean house.

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