Saturday, October 23, 2004


I try to learn something new every day. No, really!

(Doesn't that sound better than saying "every once in a great while, dumb luck prevails and something wonderful comes from it?")

So, here is the new thing I learned today.

Adding text to photos!

And let me tell you, it was mostly trial and error, and a lot of re-loading the same photo because I couldn't get the delete or erase to work on the text, but I am so proud of myself!

Just take a look:

I got several of these toothbrushes to add to my next box for Cheyenne River Reservation WIC Center. Found them at the Dollar Tree for a buck apiece. Why didn't they have cute stuff like this when I was (or for that matter, my kids were) small??

Did you know that WIC (the federal Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children) provides health care, nutrition counseling and education, and food to pregnant and post-partum women, babies, and little kids through age 5? It's one of the most effective government programs going. And it's highly under-utilized!

And one of the biggest health care needs of the little guys is dental!

The WIC program requested toothbrushes this month (also toothpaste and sippy cups to promote early weaning that prevents "bottle mouth).

Becky, I tried Delete, Backspace and the eraser on the tool bar. Nothing worked. So I re-loaded and tried again.

Isn't Jack Stone cute? (Does anyone know who Jack Stone is? Should I care?)
Pine Rige needs help too!!!
oops Pine Ridge, see we can't spell.!?!
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