Saturday, July 31, 2004

Baby the Rain Must Fall

I'm running out of "rain"-titled movies.

Yes, it's threatening rain again today. The humidity is so high that we are all dripping condensation, like a glass of cold water. Does that indicate that the ambient temperature is higher than the body? I think it does!

With the afghan-from-hell complete and out of my project basket, I moved on (or is it back?) to the bobble lace ribbed socks and completed something like 6 rows before becoming carsick. Note to self: stick to mindless knitting in the car, or at least to something where the pattern is already established. This reading-and-knitting-in-motion simple does not work.

I made nice progress on the Origami mittens, but I'm starting to wish that I had reversed the colors. A=solid + B=variegated = not nearly as nice as they could be. I'll finish this pair, and if time permits, make another in two solids, or at least reverse the yarns so that the cuffs are solid.

And on a charity-related note, please allow me a bit of a rant. I haunt the local thrift shoppe for lightly used baby things that I send to my charity-of-choice. I have gotten some truly lovely, gently worn stuff that was to die for. Baby b'Gosh, and other expensive brands that look like they've been worn once--for the pictures. You know the stuff. Last month, I filled a bag (I'm a sucker for "bag sales") with lovely sun suits and onesies for $3.

I just came from my not-quite-as-local thrift store. My throat is closing up(from mildew??) and the first thing I did when I walked in the door was wash my hands!

They were having a bag sale. I made a bee-line to the children's clothing. There was very little there, and what was there was in very poor condition. Stained, torn, just plain dirty. Smelly. Okay, I was there already. I went through the pile (It was a pile, not folded or stacked, just tossed. Maybe I was following someone who had already picked through it.) methodically, like I do at my regular place. I was able to score 1/2 grocery bag of children's things. I glanced briefly at the adult clothing, thinkingI could get a couple sweaters to send to the elders and fill the bag. Nothing. Not one blessed thing that I would send anyone.I paid my 2 bucks (even though the ladies offered it to me for one--it's for the hospital that houses the closest ER). I'm going to throw this stuff in the washer and hope for the best. I am not holding my breath!

This is EXACTLY what I mean when I say: If I wouldn't give it to my pickiest in-law, I don't donate it. 95% of those kids' clothes should have been thrown away, by the donor or by the thrift store. And no, sometimes "anything" is not better than "nothing!"

And on a personal note (like the rest of this isn't personal): effective tomorrow, I can claim the senior citizen discount at most fast food places and grocery stores. Yep, the big Five-Five!

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